The 2024 National Assembly of the Ladies of Charity USA

The 2024 National Assembly of the Ladies of Charity USA (LCUSA) took place in St. Louis, Missouri from September 5–7, 2024. The theme of the assembly was  “Committed to the Eucharist, Committed to Those in Need.”

The Ladies o Charity USA got its beginnings in St. Louis so this particular assembly was a special one. The planned trip to the National Shrine of the Miraculous Medal in Perryville MO was a highlight of the trip, not to mention spending time with ladies from all over the USA who share a mission.

The NorthEast Region elected three representatives to the board: Natalie Boone (shown below, center) of the St. John’s University Association was elected as Regional Vice President. Also shown with Natalie are, Fran Simkulet from Binghamton (left) Kathy Roseti of Buffalo (right). Congratulations!

Also, Pat Mulé, (shown far below, left) received a certificate at the LCUSA National Assembly for completing the Spiritual Moderator training. It is so important to understand and live the Vincentian spirit. Congratulations Pat!

Natalie Boone, center, of the St. John’s University Association was elected by he Northeast Region as Regional Vice President. Shown with Natalie are, Fran Simkulet from Binghamton (left) Kathy Roseti of Buffalo (right).

“2020 Vision: End Human Trafficking” Conference

Ladies of Charity at St. John’s  University are one of the cosponsors of this 2020 Vision: End Human Trafficking Conference taking place on Saturday, April 1 from 9 am to 3 pm at St. John’s University, D’Angelo Center 416.   

Registration is in progress and we ask you to register NOW to attend so you do not miss out!  Make sure you indicate your affiliation as Ladies of Charity. There is no fee but seating is limited and registration is likely to close out within the next two weeks.

The Conference features Donna Hubbard, a survivor and advocate, along with educational workshops  on Identifying Human Trafficking; Global Issues; and the Deep Dark Web.  The program also includes a dramatic performance “A Day in the Life” by Katie Capiello and lunch.

Please make every effort to support our work to END all forms of violence against women.

Raising awareness about human trafficking helps to dispel the misconceptions and myths. Human trafficking is essentially modern-day slavery and a crime against humanity. It enslaves millions of men, women, and children for labor, sex, and other forms of exploitation in the US and other countries. Learn about human trafficking and its intersection with migration, conflict, economic crisis, law enforcement, healthcare, service providers, and the world of entertainment and social media. More about the conference on this flyer

You can take action and prevent human trafficking!

Conference co-sponsors:  Coalition of Religious Congregations to Stop Trafficking of Persons, LifeWay Network, University Ministry, UNICEF at St. John’s University, St. John’s CRS Global Campus, and the Ladies of Charity at St. John’s University

Raising Awareness
